Feature Points. Traditional incandescent lighting illuminates around the perimeter of the dial. AutoMeter’s race proven mechanical instruments provide trusted accuracy while being simple to install. No electrical system required for gauge operation - compatible with every street or race vehicle. Gauge kit includes 1/8” nylon line, T-Fitting, vacuum fitting, compression fittings, bulb and socket assembly, red and green bulb covers, mounting hardware, and detailed instructions for installation.
Convert from kPa to psi and inches of Water and Mercury Engineering ToolBox - Resources, Tools and Basic Information for Engineering and Design of Technical Applications! - the most efficient way to navigate the Engineering ToolBox!
Mechanical movements provide accuracy and durability even in the harshest environmentsSHIPPED WITH.
Convert equivalent pressure measurements across many different units of measure such as pascals to torr, or atmospheres to bar with this pressure conversion tablePressure is the continuous exertion of physical force by something in direct contact with it. Mathematically it is defined as:p is PressureF is ForceA is AreaSome common units of measurement this Pressure Conversion chart helps you convert are: atmosphere (atm), bar (b), Dyne (dynes/cm²), hectopascal (hPa), kilogram per sq. Cm (kgf/cm²), kilogram per sq.
Meter (kgf/m²), kilopascal (kPa), millibar (mbar), millimeter of mercury (mmHg), pascal (Pa), pounds per square foot (psf), pounds per square inch (psi), torr (Torr).To ConvertIntoMultiply Byatmospherebar1.01295atmospheredynes/cm 21.01295x10 6atmospherein. Water406.86atmospherekg/cm 21.03325atmospherembar1012.95atmospheremtorr or micron Hg7.6x10 5atmospherePa or N/m 21.01295x10 5atmospherepsi or lb/in 214.696atmospheretorr or mm Hg760baratmosphere0.9872bardynes/cm 21x10 6barin. Water401.65barkg/cm 21.02barmbar1000barmtorr or micron Hg7.5028x10 5barPa or N/m 21x10 5barpsi or lb/in 214.508bartorr or mm Hg750.2838dynes/cm 2atmosphere9.872x10 -7dynes/cm 2bar1x10 -6dynes/cm 2in. Hg2.954x10 -5dynes/cm 2in. Water4.0165x10 -4dynes/cm 2kg/cm 21.0200x10 -6dynes/cm 2mbar1x10 -3dynes/cm 2mtorr or micron Hg0.75028dynes/cm 2Pa or N/m 20.1dynes/cm 2psi or lb/in 21.4508x10 -5dynes/cm 2torr or mm Hg7.5028x10 -4gausslines/in 26.452gilbertampere-turn0.7958gramoz0.03527gramdyne980.7gramlb2.205x10 -3gram-calorieBtu3.968x10 -3gram-cmkg-meter10 -5gram-cmjoule9.807x10 -5gram-cmft-lb7.233x10 -5gram-cmerg980.7gram-cmBtu9.302x10 -8gram-cmkg-calorie2.344x10 -8gram-cmlb/in5.6x10 -3gram-cm 3lb/circular mil ft0.03613gram-cm 3lb/in 30.03613gram-cm 3lb/ft 362.43horsepowerhorsepower (metric)1.014horsepowerwatt745.7in. Hgatmosphere3.342x10 -2in.
Hgbar3.385x10 -2in. Hgdynes/cm 23.385x10 4in. Hgkg/cm 23.4532x10 -2in. Hgmtorr or micron Hg2.54x10 4in. HgPa or N/m 23385in. Hgpsi or lb/in 20.4912in.
Hgtorr or mm Hg25.4in. Wateratmosphere2.458x10 -3in. Waterbar2.489x10 -3in. Waterdynes/cm 22.489x10 3in.
Waterkg/cm 22.5396x10 -3in. Hg7.354x10 -2in. Watermtorr or micron Hg1.868x10 3in. WaterPa or N/m 2248.9in.
Waterpsi or lb/in 23.612x10 -2in. Watertorr or mm Hg1.868kg/cm 2atmosphere0.9678kg/cm 2bar0.9804kg/cm 2dynes/cm 29.804x10 5kg/cm 2in. Hg28.958kg/cm 2in. Water393.76kg/cm 2mbar9.804x10 2kg/cm 2mtorr or micron Hg7.3554x10 5kg/cm 2Pa or N/m 29.804x10 4kg/cm 2psi or lb/in 214.223kg/cm 2torr or mm Hg7.3554x10 2mbaratmosphere9.872x10 -4mbarbar0.001mbardynes/cm 21000mbarkg/cm 21.0200x10 -3mbarin. Hg2.954x10 -2mbarin.
Water0.4018mbarmtorr or micron Hg7.5028x10 2mbarPa or N/m 2100mbarpsi or lb/in 21.450x10 -2mbartorr or mm Hg0.75028mtorr or micron Hgatmosphere1.316x10 -6mtorr or micron Hgbar1.3328x10 -6mtorr or micron Hgdynes/cm 21.3328mtorr or micron Hgkg/cm 21.3595x10 -6mtorr or micron Hgin. Hg3.937x10 -5psi or lb/in 2kg/cm 27.0309x10 -2mtorr or micron Hgin.
Water5.353x10 -4mtorr or micron Hgmbar1.3328x10 -3mtorr or micron HgPa or N/m 20.13328mtorr or micron Hgpsi or lb/in 21.934x10 -5mtorr or micron Hgtorr1x10 -3Pa or N/m 2atmosphere9.869x10 -6Pa or N/m 2bar1x10 -5Pa or N/m 2dynes/cm 210Pa or N/m 2kg/cm 21.020x10 -5Pa or N/m 2in. Hg2.954x10 -4Pa or N/m 2in.
Water4.018x10 -3Pa or N/m 2mbar0.01Pa or N/m 2mtorr or micron Hg7.5028Pa or N/m 2psi or lb/in 21.4508x10 -4Pa or N/m 2torr or mm Hg7.5028x10 -3psi or lb/in 2atmosphere0.06805psi or lb/in 2bar0.06893psi or lb/in 2dynes/cm 26.8927x10 4psi or lb/in 2in. Hg2.036psi or lb/in 2in. Water27.68psi or lb/in 2mbar68.97psi or lb/in 2mtorr or micron Hg5.17x10 4psi or lb/in 2Pa or N/m 26.8927x10 3psi or lb/in 2torr or mm Hg51.71torr or mm Hgatmosphere1.3158x10 -3torr or mm Hgbar1.3328x10 -3torr or mm Hgdynes/cm 21.3328x10 3torr or mm Hgkg/cm 21.3595x10 -3torr or mm Hgin. Hg3.937x10 -2torr or mm Hgin. Water0.5353torr or mm Hgmbar1.3328torr or mm Hgmtorr or micron Hg1000torr or mm HgPa or N/m 2133.28torr or mm Hgpsi or lb/in 21.934x10 -2Semicore Equipment, Inc.